Poverty, War, and Politicians
You crush them to the ground And leave them here bleeding? Suck their blood, until they breathe No more. You're worse than a monster,...

You are the smile on my lips, The tears in my eyes… The lemon in my tequila, The salt sprinkled on my wound… I breathe for you, I...

In My Emptiness
Thank you Lord, For my emptiness… It’s in there that I find you most. And sometimes I don’t… For I am too engrossed with my own self. ...

The Fisherman
Woke up before the dawn And thought about the sea “I can’t fail now.” He glanced at the sleeping wife And 2-month old baby… He took...

Today is a new day. I chased the sunrise, I chased the waves. I followed the bees, Smelt the flowers. I felt the sand on my feet, ...

Inkblots in Tossed Salad
Welcome to my poetry page! Here you will find smorgasbord of my photography, poetry, and art. Some are personal, some from my daily...